I welcome you to the jumble that is the contents of my bag! It looks neat and tidy here but I promise you it's not the same story when it's inside my bag (that sometimes seems like Mary Poppins never ending bag).

My bag itself is from Topshop, I bought it about 2 years ago for £40 and it has served me well. My purse is from Accessorize and it holds everything I need it too. I would be lost if I didn't have my college i.d or USB with me so I found this pretty lanyard at Urban Outfitters and the cat card holder was bought at Accessorize in their spring sale. I wouldn't survive without my headphones & music; the ones I have are by Skullcandy and they're really good, although it does annoy me when they get all tangled up! The beauty essentials that I carry with me are sanitizer, hand cream, lip balm, blotting sheets and powder. I don't like carrying around lots of extra products with me so I just take the essentials. You can never trust the weather man so just to be sure I take my cute, little, frilly umbrella which I purchased from Primark for around £4, however the sun does decide to show itself unexpectedly so it's handy to have a cheap pair of sunnies with you.  Sometimes when you go out you're out longer then expected or get stuck on delayed transport, so just to be sure I always take out a drink and a cereal bar. Another essential is tissues, you never know when you or somebody else might need one. I can't go anywhere without my keys as it is most likely my family will either be out or won't be bothered to answer the door when I come home so it is just easier to let myself in; the keyring is from somewhere in Germany and I think the pink key is from Timpsons.

What are the essentials in your bag?

Ella xx

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